As a heraldic officer, you will probably be approached by people with questions about heraldry registrations they want to make, or ones they've already submitted. You may even be called upon by your branch to register new badges, or even register a change in the branch names or arms.
Is a membership required to register names or armory? No.
What is the submissions process? See the Registration page for an overview of the process. It is highly advised to seek second opinions from experienced book heralds, especially for non-trivial items such as order and award names, and augmentations of arms.
My branch wishes to make a submission. Read the Branch Requirements for Heraldic Submissions and contact Lions Blood or Red Flame (Tir Rígh submissions) for advice. There are special requirements, such as evidence of support, to be met. Working with the submissions staff can help ensure a more pleasant process. Absolutely don't do this on your own -- make use of the College.
Who can I turn to for help on a submission? Contact Æstel, or visit the consult table at a Crown event, where a number of experienced members of the College will be on-hand.
How long until we hear about a submission? About 7 months after a submission is received by the Kingdom, the Laurel office will publish a Letter of Acceptances and Returns. Official notification from Kingdom staff will come after then. Most submissions (around 9 in 10) will be accepted without issue. If you wish to learn about the progress of a specific submission, contact Lions Blood or Red Flame (Tir Rígh submissions).
An item was returned. How do I help the submitter? Contact Lions Blood or Red Flame (Tir Rígh submissions) for advice. They can help explain the reason for return, and your options, including resubmitting with changes or improved documentation, or appealing the decision.