Principality Herald
Silver Yale and Bleu Grael are deputies of Black Lion, responsible for the administration, promotion and exercise of heraldic activity throughout the principalities of Tir Rígh and the Summits. They report to Black Lion, serving at the pleasure of both the principality Coronet and Black Lion.
This is a high-profile leadership position, with direct supervision deputies and every local branch pursuivant, as well as general guidance of heralds-at-large. As such, there may from time to time be more intimate exposure to the private, interpersonal issues of others, where the goal is to help them successfully balance their personal life with their office.
A successful Principality Herald will be:
- Discreet.
- Diplomatic.
- Responsive.
- Familiar with Kingdom and Principality Law and custom, the SCA College of Arms Administrative Handbook, and Corpora, their relationship with each other, and able to discuss them with the Coronet, the Principality Seneschal, Black Lion, and officers and individuals generally.
- Familiar with the major personalities of our College, and able to successfully collaborate with them.
- Able to become familiar with the major personalities of the An Tir College of Heralds: Black Lion and the Kingdom staff, as well as major players local to their Principality.
- Comfortable with speaking publically at Court and in Curia meetings.
- Comfortable with speaking to individuals at all levels of the Society, from newcomer to the Coronet, including the ability to advise against while maintaining a collegial relationship.
- Able to coordinate heralds at all levels toward the needs of the Principality and Kingdom, including special projects.
- Able to see the early stages of burnout in both themselves and others, and able to proactively address it whether through the temporary delegation of duties or restructuring of an office, or through gracefully transitioning an office to another individual.
- Able to recognize when a delicate situation should not be resolved by their office, but by Black Lion instead.
- Actively seeking personal improvement in the above.
- Actively seeking ways to improve those under them.
- Actively seeking ways to improve the heraldic function within the Kingdom and the Society as a whole.
Refer to the local Principality Law for specific duties of their Principality Herald. Expect them to include but not be limited to specific responsibilities copied below:
- Act as the Coronet's chief advisor in all heraldic matters.
- Act as the Voice of the Coronet.
- Make and maintain the Order of Precedence and update the Awards Roster for the Principality.
- Advise the Coronet and populace on matters of ceremony and protocol.
- Encourage the practice of heraldry within the Principality.
- Be responsible for official announcements at Principality events.
- Reporting, including gathering reports from their local branches and officers, and forwarding them in suitable fashion to Black Lion's reporting deputies.
- Record keeping, including correspondence and roster of heralds within the principality.
- Supervisory duties (largely described above).
- Creation and training of suitable officers to fulfill the heraldic function.
Additional duties:
- Maintain the ability to cross the US/Canada border as needed to attend required events, or secure leave to be absent
- Attend the Known World Heraldic and Scribal Symposium, as custom and means allow. Yearly attendance is preferred.
- Able to evaluate armigerous scrolls for meeting the basic requirements for the seal and signature of the Principality Herald, and coordinating with the scribal community in order to ensure meeting them in a painless and easy manner. This may include offering ideas for wording, easily correcting art, advising on achievement customs, etc.
- Diplomacy
- Familiarity with Microsoft Office, and ability to learn how to navigate SharePoint on Office 365
- General knowledge of period and SCA heraldic practices, and the difference between them
- General knowledge of the structure of the SCA, both within An Tir and within the Laurel office
- Experience in any or most of SCA heraldry domains: submissions, court, field, town cry, ceremony, OP
Time Requirements:
- May vary -- consult incumbent officer
Knowledge of any specific function, such as book or voice, are not required for success in this office, but general heraldic knowledge and the ability to quickly learn and disseminate knowledge will be useful. Questions from the populace, from officers, and from the Coronet are to be expected.