Consult tables are encouraged. They are excellent opportunities to promote interest in heraldry, and to help individuals on heraldry projects. We ask only that the persons staffing the table be knowledgeable enough to provide assistance, even if it is merely directing individuals to more experienced heralds. Consult tables may occur wherever interest arises.
A consult table that accepts submissions on behalf of the Kingdom is commonly referred to as a "full-service" consult table. These are typical of Crown events and have restrictions.
Private parties may not host a full-service table. Private parties, including branch heralds, are not permitted to accept submissions on behalf of the kingdom except as the responsible party described below.
Branches may not independently host full-service tables, unless the following are true:
The responsible party
The responsible party will:
Under no circumstances shall submissions and fees be left unattended, except in a safe, locked location.
If the responsible party must leave, submissions may not be accepted and the table is no longer full-service. Submitters are to be instructed to mail normally. If the responsible party returns, full-service may resume.